Maybe you want to have more opportunities to use your life to make a difference… Maybe you want to make your workouts a bit more fun.

Either way, you’re in the right place!

Why RunJoy?


The RunJoy Life is all about adding a bit of joy to our runs by sharing a smile and a moment of connection with those that cross our path. However you you move your body, taking the moment to really see someone can change a life.

For tips and inspiration to get you started, subscribe to the newsletter.


Start Today!

With a smile and a flash of a peace sign, you are sharing a small piece of you and sending those endorphin-filled good vibes out to all those you come across.

Let you runs contribute kindness to the world and give the world a much needed boost.

Make the personal commitment to start adding more smiles to your miles and sign up for the free 5 SMILE CHALLENGE

Don’t just run… RunJoy